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Hurry Up! The Workshop starts in....

The Impactful Connections Workshop

Are you FRUSTRATED every time you make eye contact with a beautiful woman walking down the street?

Are you TONGUE-TIED when you are out with your friends in the bars and on the town?

Do you want to TAKE ACTION but know that something is holding you back?

Do you want to walk into any social situation and effortlessly convey pure, powerful CONFIDENCE?

We can help you master the art of attracting the women you truly want.

No more boring, sterile conversations. No more flaky phone numbers.

We’ve helped thousands of guys learn the skills and MASTERY to create impactful connections with women whenever they want.

Lose your limiting mindset and start living the life you truly desire on YOUR TERMS and end that life of sexual and emotional frustration forever.

He took the workshop

now he's married




Pay the remainder on the day. (deposits are non-refundable and serve as an admin fee)


workshop dating

11:00am - 11:30am

The Impactful Connection Workshop

The day kicks off introducing the speakers, getting to know each other and a full line up of the day.

your inner game in dating

11:30am - 12:00pm

The Inner Game

Before you can master the behavioural techniques you have to learn how to control the mindset and reframe your inner dialogue. Learn how to ditch the anxiety let go off those unwanted thoughts and understand the mechanics behind actioning success. This lesson consist of exercises for the mind that make you more present within your thoughts and give you direction and clarity with obtaining what you really want.

social value evaluation

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Social Value Elevation

This is the system that Johnny has taught 1000’s of students all over the world. Learn how to create solid high value social circles from scratch. You will also understand how to leverage your social circles not only for your social and dating life but also business.

confidence coaching

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Approach Coaching

Here you will learn the correct way on how to approach a woman and successfully take it further. Approach with an impactful connection no matter what the circumstances. My goal is for there never to be an excuse why you didn’t take action on approaching.

practical workshop sessions

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Practical Session

Here’s the exciting part; during this part of the workshop we take you out and put you through the paces of interacting with women. Live training in real time scenarios. You will be given thorough guidance by your instructor throughout.

look your best physically

4:50pm - 5:30pm

Physically Look Your Best

Insiders fitness secrets from the celebrity fitness coach Kris Pecik.
Kris gives us all a kick up the ass and shares with us some of his best tips on how to make the most out of your body.

nightlife dominance with Johnny Cassell

5:30pm - 6:30pm

Nightlife dominance and sexual conversation techniques

Johnny has worked with many people in the nightlife arena wether it be improving their game or helping them with strategies on how to get more women to the club. Johnny shares with us the secrets to success in this department. This section will includes building value, dance floor techniques, how to go out solo, how to pick up dancers and models, sexual conversation techniques and much much more.

the next step for success with dating

6:30pm - 8:00pm

The Next Step

This part of the day we focus on where we want to be and a definitive strategy on how we are going to achieve it.

dinner with the dating trainers

8:00pm - 9:00pm


This is a great part of the day. Get to know your trainer and bombard them with any questions you wanted answering through out the day.

2nd practical session with dating coaches

9:00pm - 00:00

Practical Session

Go out into the depths of the London Nightlife scene with your instructors and put the theory into practise. Feedback is at hand throughout the night and get to experience a full fledged wingman by your side when you need him. This is personally my favourite part of the day as this is where the real learning is.

2nd practical session with dating coaches


Feedback From Instructors

Known From...

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Taking action is the first step

Creating powerful change in your life can be scary. It’s easy to procrastinate on your dreams; to tell yourself that things will somehow get better when deep down you know they won’t. Until you make the COMMITMENT nothing will change.

Advice from friends, browsing articles on the internet or the reading the latest books on seduction can all help you at the beginning of your journey. But without a willingness to PUSH YOURSELF out of your comfort zone, and to put knowledge into practice, you’ll remain at square one. Reading about something and being able to do it, effectively in REAL-LIFE are very different things.

The Impactful Connection Workshop is run by Johnny Cassell one of the world’s leading experts on the art of seduction. He will give you all the skills you need to put the theory into practice and start living the rock-star life YOU DESIRE.

As well as sharing his unique techniques – which have helped thousands of guys around the world achieve unbelievable success – Johnny’s focus is on in-field practice. You will learn to apply his methods in the real-world and experience the MIND-BLOWING RESULTS for yourself.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll feel you have been given the code to the Matrix. In fact, you’ll never look at the world the same way again. Whereas everyone else sees obstacles, all you’ll see is opportunities and potential.

Overcome social anxiety

scarcity to abundance

He's Now Married!

Make impactful connections with women

By the end of the intensive 12-hour Impactful Connections workshop you’ll have the skills to:

Learn to meet and date the WOMEN OF YOUR DREAMS

Be able to approach women, ANY TIME, ANYWHERE and make an instant connection

Make lasting EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS, so you’re always the guy they remember

Smash through your limitations and your sticking-points


Master INNER GAME and learn to control your mindset and your frame

Creative an unbelievable social circle using Johnny’s unique SOCIAL ELAVATION THEORY

Learn how to put theory into practice in the field and get REAL RESULTS on the SAME DAY

Understand female dynamics and the secrets of female sexuality, so you can ESCALATE with ease

Tighten up your STYLE and your physical appearance so you get the best out of every situation

Develop an ongoing strategy for your life so you can continue to improve and build upon your growing MASTERY

Be a logistical ninja (this can be the difference between winning and losing)

Learn fool-proof TEXT and SOCIAL MEDIA game – so you always know the right thing to say in any situation


Jamie Blonde

Johnny Cassell recently gave me superpowers. I attended both the impactful connection workshop and the week long immersion program.

Emanuelle Adam

Very insightful and interactive workshop, and amazing coach! It was such a useful experience to learn about dating techniques that can also be applied at work.

Peter Watson

Johnny Cassell's Impactful Connections workshop is very well thought-out. In practise it is more like advanced social skills and techniques for connecting with people.

The time to act is now

Johnny Cassell Profile

Johnny Cassell is one of the best-known and innovative seduction coaches in the world. For over a decade he has helped thousands of men achieve mind-blowing results. He will help you smash through your limitations with his unique focus on social action and empowerment. The team are all hand-picked and trained by Johnny, and are some of the most successful dating coaches in the world. This includes master seducers, style-gurus and psychology experts. Whatever your sticking points, we have the experience and the expertise to get you the results you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the workshop held?

A: The Impactful connection workshop is held in London, location varies from time to time but all will be enclosed on initial sign up in your information email.

Q: What sort of people come to the event?

A: It is a completely mixed bag when it comes to the attendees on the workshop, people between 20 – late 50’s with all one thing in common; they WANT to get this area of their life sorted. Some guys have come out of long term relationships or found them selves in a rut because their friends they used to pal around with have all been married off. Some guys have sacrificed their social and dating life to become successful in their careers.

Q: Am I too old to attend the workshop?

A: We have experience in teaching men of all ages, from early 20’s to late 50’s.

The workshop is designed so the information given can be applied in various areas of your life no matter what your age.

Q: Can I bring a friend?

A: Yes, absolutely and if you are bringing a friend or two don’t forget to tell us as we may be able to offer you a discount!

Q: Will there be any follow up help or after care service after the bootcamp?

A: YES, myself or one of my instructors will be in contact to see how you are getting on after your workshop experience

The time to act is now

How long are you going to suffer the same loneliness and sexual frustration?

How many more years are you willing to wait until you get the life you want?

Do you still want to be having the same problems when all your friends have married and moved away?

We understand these fears because we’ve been there ourselves. We also know they can be OVERCOME quickly and FOREVER. All of our instructors at some point faced down the very same problems you’re having. And that’s how we know you can do it to. We’ve helped thousands of guys push past their limitations and achieve INCREDIBLE RESULTS.

To put yourself through such frustration and dissatisfaction when the solution is ready and out there is crazy.   

Take SMART ACTION and start living the life you desire, on your terms.

Sign-up today:

NO MORE turning up to parties on your own – you’ll always have a date for any occasion

NO MORE shyness or embarrassment around women – develop bullet-proof confidence

NO MORE Friday/Saturday nights staying in – create a high-value social circle so you always have the hottest ticket in town

NO MORE dissatisfaction with your life – build the reality that you’ve always wanted

Secure Your Place Now - Only £750

Johnny has clients from all over the world, from guys in the street to professional sportsmen to CEOs. He has limited capacity and his workshops sell out quickly, so sign-up now. It could be months before he has an available spot again.


Pay the remainder on the day.
(deposits are non-refundable and serve as an admin fee)

your guarantee

30 day guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied, simply send us an email with proof of purchase within 30 days and you will receive a full refund.

Having trouble?

Please call:

+44 (0)2087980975

or send an email to: [email protected]
We’ll be happy to assist you.

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