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How to achieve the best results in your photos

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how to achieve the best results with photos

There is no way to look better in every photo. There are too many variables of lighting, posing, expression, and framing. A skilled photographer can allow for some of these variables and produce acceptable results more often than not.

But here are some basic tips that will help you to level out your image, whether it’s to compile the best online dating profile, for a Tinder profile that really works, or for professional reasons.


The good thing about digital photography is that you can take as many as you want and then simply choose the best out of the crop. There’s no need to look good in every single one when you can delete the rest. You’ll generally find that the more you take, the closer you get to the one that kills it, each time adjusting the angle, framing and lighting until you get there.


Without the proper lighting, it doesn’t matter how good your photo is. But when lit properly, the camera can actually be flattering. Just check out this incredible video to see how much lighting can change your face.

Natural light sources are best, as artificial light can be harsh and warp your features, making things up close look even bigger and things in the distance look even smaller. A window works great, but outside is even better, preferably during morning or evening when the light is less intense. If it's so bright that you're squinting and struggling to focus, your phone will be struggling too. For an even softer light, cover the window with a white curtain or wait for the sky to be bright but cloudy.

You also want to make sure that the light source is coming from the same

position as the camera. If it’s behind you, you’ll be heavily shadowed or even silhouetted. Of course, this could be the look you’re going for. If so, make the outline of the silhouette clear and interesting. To create a more 3D effect with stronger shadows, you can position the light source just off to the side.


Wearing clothes that fit well and that you feel comfortable in will go a long way towards enhancing your photos. If you know the environment you will be photographed in, you can plan your wardrobe accordingly.

Wear colors that will stand out from the background and don’t camouflage yourself with the scenery. For example, wearing a green outfit in a field of grass is not a great way to get noticed. Instead, choose clothes that suit your complexion, eye colour and hair. If you work out, we don’t need to see you without a shirt. With the right top, it will show but a lot of people might be put off if it’s shoved in their face.


Eye contact is an essential part of attraction. But holding a pose and keeping your eyes focused on the camera for prolonged periods is difficult. Try closing your eyes and then opening them and then looking at the camera. Look away, then back. Do something unexpected. Talk to the photographer. All this creates ephemeral, candid moments to capture and stand out.

Point your eyes towards the light source: caught lights create sparkle and immediately add life to your eyes. If you are outdoors, stand in the shade, and face the light. If you’re indoors, face the window at an angle.


Posing is a very powerful tool. It can add character and interest to an otherwise bland-looking photo. Try keeping your face towards the camera but turning your upper body away. Keep your back nice and straight, with your shoulders back and chin up slightly. In most cases, this avoids a double chin and makes the portrait more engaging.

Experiment with tilting your head forward somewhat. Facing the camera more with your forehead than with your chin often looks better.


Much like body positioning, making your portrait more appealing is all about getting the right angle. Not only do you want the right angle on your face but using the camera at a higher angle can give you a slimmer appearance. When you smile, you’re not trying to show all your teeth, but a smirk or just a hint of a smile can make your face look thinner. Think happy thoughts and remember that a smile isn’t just in the mouth.

You also want to try to turn your head slightly and angle your chin down. This can help to slim down and soften your features. Hands and fingers can also be used to hide double chins or other features that you are self-conscious about.


Pay attention to the background. Evaluate your scene, especially in portraiture. Is that a tree growing out of the subject’s head, or just a funky new hat? Isolate your subjects from the background by adjusting the depth of field, moving the camera, or moving the subject.


For a professional looking picture, never use flash. Unless you want shiny skin and red eyes, just turn this feature off and never turn it back on. Unless you have pro gear, you won’t be able to pull it off. It flattens the face and makes it look unnatural.


And lastly, always remember that no one else looks at nor judges your pictures the same way that you do yourself. You are your own worse critic. Only if you were to analyse other people's photos with a fine tooth comb and a magnifying glass would you notice the imperfections and problems you find with your own.

You see, you have to live with yourself and see yourself so much, that you train yourself into finding faults. When we comb our hair, wash our face, shave, and put on make-up, we are in a sense studying ourselves and noticing imperfections.

This is the whole reason for the existence of the mirror. We do it so much that it’s the only reason we look in it. Every time we do, it’s like having a beauty contest with only one contestant and one judge.

So, remember, when you have final photo, as long as you’ve followed the rest of these tips, and you’re well-groomed, don’t worry about the details.

I hope these tips will help you not only to improve yourself every day by 1% but also to build a better life, know what you want and need and go with the flow of happiness. And with these tips, I hope you can get out there and attract the kind of woman you want, whether it’s short term, long term, or marriage.

Good luck in whatever path you take my friend but never forget that the moment you decide to drop your dream, you have to live with that for the rest of your life.

If you require further advice on lifestyle and dating, look no further than the wealth of articles on my website.

Good vibes always! ❤️

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