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The Online Dating Master Strategy Guide


Is it time to change the way you look at online dating?

Do you want to finally understand why you’re not getting the hits that you want on your dating profile?

  • Do you want to learn what sort of profiles women are attracted to?
  • Do you want to feel more in control of where the direction of the online game is going?
  • Do you want to have women messaging you instead of sitting there days on end hoping that you’ll get a response back from yours?
  • Do you want the ability to take that relationship offline and actually into the real world?
  • Do you want to finally master online dating?

My experience of online dating stems all the way back from the days of Plenty of Fish and msn messenger. Back in those days there were no apps. It was all very basic but although the landscapes have changed, the principles have remained the same.

Now there are many ways you can achieve success in your dating life and there are many ‘revenue streams’ as I like to call them that will provide you with the opportunity to meet women.

It literally seems like every week there is another new dating app to jump onto and you might get to a point where you think F’ It I’ve had enough of all of these dating apps but the truth is we’re all in the online dating game. Because we’re ALL online.

And if you’re not… you’re missing out on a whole lot of action….

This guide is so much more than a few pages on how to attract women to your profile and spark up a conversation. This guide is a must have set of tools that will take your overall ability to the next level.

In this increasingly fast paced moving life that we all seem to now live, this guide will also help you maximise your relationships both longterm and short term. Intimate and platonic.

What you will discover:

  • A bulletproof guide to laying out a solid profile
  • A complete strategy from sending the initial message to moving things offline
  • When to move the conversation over to the phone
  • What sort of photos to take and what sort of photos to avoid
  • Understanding exactly what you want from online dating
  • All the faux pas in online dating
  • What platforms to use and what ones to stay away from
  • Learn what all the mistakes are that people make in online dating
  • Subtle language techniques that help build deeper rapport
  • How to write a catchy bio that sparks their interest

Plus much much more….

Disclaimer: Mastering online dating can be highly disruptive to your daily life. Please be responsible and do not get too carried away. There is more to life than just dating women.

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