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ways to make friends as an adult man

Ways to make friends as an adult man

Nov 2, 2017

Adulthood can be full of adventure and energy. However, it can also be easy to lose sight of the simple pleasures. My 7-Day Programmes and workshops are full of encouragement and advice on building the best “you” and investing in what makes you happy. They’re also about mastering the world of dating. But there is… Ways to make friends as an adult man

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how to make her fall in love with you

How to Make her fall in love with you

Nov 2, 2017

Sometimes it’s simply not enough for a woman to be attracted to you. Maybe you’ve got a larger game in sight – maybe this really is the woman you’re supposed to end up with. It helps to know the qualities that are key in how to get a woman to fall for you. If you’re… How to Make her fall in love with you

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top qualities men should look for

What do you look for in a girlfriend?

Oct 31, 2017

  A relationship should consist of two well-rounded people working as a team. There are vital qualities you should be looking for in any potential long-term partner. Do you have criteria when you speak to women? If the qualities you’re seeking are blonde or brunette, you’ll find yourself settling for an average woman when you… What do you look for in a girlfriend?

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7 great things about dating an older woman

7 Great things about dating an older woman

Oct 31, 2017

  If you’re starting to tire of dating women your age, and perhaps you’re looking for a change, you may be starting to think about dating older women. As I impart to the students on my 7 Day Course, mastering seduction is about being able to strike up an impactful connection with any woman. Only… 7 Great things about dating an older woman

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How to compliment a woman without being creepy

Oct 31, 2017

Plenty of guys on my courses want to know how to compliment a girl without coming across as sleazy. No one wants to know the creepy guy, and even fewer people want to be the creepy guy. There are ways to make a girl blush without creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Smooth compliments What are the… How to compliment a woman without being creepy

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how to be an alpha male but remain a gentlemen

How to be an Alpha male but remain a Gentlemen

Oct 17, 2017

When people think of an alpha male personality, they will often imagine the competitive guy trying to win everything and claim dominance in the room. Newflash: the guy doing everything but pissing on the nearest wall to prove his alpha status is likely not the ringleader. Silverback gorillas may well get their own way through… How to be an Alpha male but remain a Gentlemen

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getting your head round approach anxiety

Getting your head around approach anxiety

Oct 17, 2017

Dealing with Approach Anxiety If the thought of going up to a woman and talking to her, let alone experiencing any kind of success, does not just seem far off but fills you with fear, you may have approach anxiety. Approach anxiety is a sizeable barrier to finding love and only tackling it head on… Getting your head around approach anxiety

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5 steps to finding your swagger

5 steps to finding your swagger

Oct 17, 2017

What is an air of confidence? It’s giving off a sense that you are successful or great at something, and that you know it. It is a sense of complete comfort in any social situation, and the authority in the voice of someone who knows what they’re talking about. Approaching a topic such as how… 5 steps to finding your swagger

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deal with that awkward silence on a date

Dealing with that awkward silence on a date

Sep 18, 2017

  In my one-to-one sessions, guys often open up to me about their struggles with awkward silences on dates. I’m sure you’ve had moments of feeling like you have nothing to say, or like you need to fill that silence with wittering and needless chatter. That discomfort around silence has then left their date with… Dealing with that awkward silence on a date

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