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Breaking Repetition: No Two Days Are The Same

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breaking repetition

Your life can change - even when it feels stagnant and monotonous.

Every choice, every decision we make has the power to make that change. When we’re stuck finding life repetitive and boring, that’s when we make bad choices about our mental health, our wellbeing, and our relationships.

This is the time when we have to be most careful because this is the time when our mind is craving instant gratification. We are desperate to do something which will pull us out of our daily routine and in that desperation we tend to make choices that we could regret later.

If you live your life too focused on one thing, whether it’s work, politics, or a perceived slight from a stranger 3 years ago, you don’t realise that you’re missing out on the more important things that are knocking at your door.

So, if you ever find yourself bored of a repetitive life, then it’s important to remember that you can always choose your way out of it.

Think about the life that you desire for yourself and choose to take small steps towards it.

Why is life repetitive? The monotonous, daily grind is not a prison in which we have to stay locked up. We just CHOOSE to stay in it and suffer.

You might ask, how do I choose to make each day different from the other?

Sometimes it feels like we only live to work, earn money, and survive. This is part of our survival instinct, one that every animal has. But if you live only to work, work, work, doing the same thing day in and day out you may as well swap your life for that of an ant. You’re better than this.

It may feel like you can’t do anything different because you’re simply stuck in your comfort zone. Here’s how to get out of that way of thinking;

Define your non-negotiables

What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? What are you really good at?

Once you’ve taken some time to realise these, it will be easier for you to try new things. Maybe you’re passionate about other cultures but now realise you know far less than you would like to. Book a spontaneous trip away and throw yourself into it! Maybe you’d really love to work as a teacher but you’re stuck in an office job. Research what it takes to get those qualifications and start learning. Perhaps you’re a professional-level painter but you’re currently wasted behind a till.

Whatever it is, with a clear goal in mind you’ll be able to mix it up in a way that will make a big difference to your happiness.

Make the most of the small things

Every day, choose to do one thing differently than the day before. Even little changes in your life can ease the pressure of repetition. You might even find a new pleasure.

Learn something new – whether it’s about nature, cultures, economics, anything, even if the subject wouldn’t normally interest you. You might be surprised about what you find fascinating.

Choose to get out of your comfort zone. Hate speaking to strangers? Make an effort to ask someone for directions. Never watch romantic movies? Today is the day. Approach everything with an open mind and you never know what you might like.

Call a loved one or a friend that you haven’t spoken to in ages. They may be thinking of you. You might even reignite a lost friendship.

Order a cuisine you’ve never tried before. How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it? Even if you end up hating it, now you know for sure, and at least it was a new experience.

Choose a colour of shirt you would never normally wear. Even something as small as this can break the repetition and make the day memorable.

Travel as much as you can

Not only will you learn new things about the world and have stories to share, but you can loosen up and put aside leisure time for yourself. This applies to both introvert and extroverted people. You can release negative energies and burdens by embracing freedom and happiness.

Whether you need to let off some steam by having an intense skiing weekend, or want to unwind in paradise, travelling will do you good and reset the clock. When you’ve returned, it will feel like the first day at work again.

Maybe you’ll even make some friends, even if only for the time that you’re away.

It doesn’t have to be somewhere fancy. You don’t need to be gallivanting round the tropics every 6 months in order to enrich your life. You can even travel within your country and find new traditions, new ideas, and simply some time to yourself.

It’s time for you to realize your self-worth and passion. Discover something new about yourself and get back home with a healthy mindset.

Live one day at a time. Understand that yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow may never come. You only have today and if you live it to the fullest by enjoying your passions and hobbies, you will live to remember it.

Each day is as different as we make it to be. Life may be short, but if we live for every day we can make the most of it. You’ll look back on your life and be proud at how full it was.

Forget about the troubles of yesterday. Cherish the good moments, never forgetting those experiences, as you’ll need them to overcome the challenges of tomorrow.

In summary, forget about the past and don’t worry about the future. Focus on today and today alone. Try as many new things as possible and learn as many secrets about this life that you can. The world is a small village tour, and you have a free ticket.

Good luck in whatever path you take, my friend, but never forget that the moment you decide to drop your dream, you have to live with that for the rest of your life.

If you require further advice on dating and relationships, look no further than the wealth of articles on my website.

Good vibes always!

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