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johnny cassell for dating helpJohnny Cassell is London’s leading dating coach.

Students have flown in from as far as Australia, UAE and the USA to experience Johnny’s Live infield training.

Clients include, marketing directors, business owners, celebrities, psychology lecturers, playboys and company executives.

There is often a pattern we see in our students; in order to be successful at one area of their life, they often have to make the sacrifice of another area in order to achieve remarkable things… That it be their dating or social life… thats where we come in.

Johnny works very closely with his students to get the best return on their time spent with him.

These are some of the many topics you will cover during training:

  • Social Anxiety issues
  • Breaking through complexes and limited beliefs
  • Building self esteem and confidence
  • Creating an attractive lifestyle
  • Self image and identity
  • Conversations that make impact
  • Understanding the laws of attraction and implementing them
  • Vocal training and tonality
  • Body language mastery
  • Understanding of a mans purpose
  • Self awareness of your goals and wants

Click here for the training page

In order to train with Johnny you really have to WANT to take your social and dating capabilities to the next level.

You might be in a position where you feel like you are in a rut, you feel isolated and your vision is unclear. You might be in a position where you have just come out of a long term relationship and you haven’t talked or taken it further with a woman for a long time.
You might be a virgin and feel its time to meet someone special but don’t have the confidence to make that step.
You might have a warped perception of yourself and of what other people think of you, you might just be so stuck in your head that you constantly feel crippled with the thought about meeting women.

You might come from a very sheltered up bringing or strict cultural / religious background that has held you back for so many years.

You might be in a position where all of your friends don’t share the same outlook as you and are actually preventing you from moving forward in this area of your life.
You may feel you just simply want better quality women in your life or perhaps that playboy lifestyle of abundance.

Or you might just need that extra bit of help finding the one.

Take action today and get in touch here to find out how we can work together to enhance your life now.

See dating coach Johnny’s main page @

Johnny Cassell - Elite Seduction Logo

From our Students

He knows his psychology stuff, he’s systematic, well articulated, explains concepts from different angles, and will accompany you on your journey – with his coaching, I got my perfect 10 model / dream girl. Can’t thank him enough! And it’s a skill that stays with you for the rest of your life..

– Armi R

Johnny really is the real deal, his coaching literally changed my way of thinking and in essence my whole life, am now meeting more beautiful and fun women than i ever thought possible,An absolute legend.

– Ben W

His expertise and skills are fantastic and the way he customised his education to my needs and desires made sure that the skills were transferable. A few weeks later those skills helped me with meeting my

– Gavriel M

Johnny is the best dating coach in the world, I have been with many mentors and he by far is the best!
I struggled to talk to people in the street, Johnny demonstrated and I followed.
The result was outstanding!
since then I am with the girl of my dreams a 10!!!
And we are spending the year travelling to South East Asia.
I would have never been able to attract such a girl without Johnny helping me.
The investment is soooo worth it!


– Oli N

Johnny Cassell was pivotal in my decision to travel 5000 miles to establish a relationship I had completely misunderstood. His advice provided unfounded insight that I allowed my ego to overlook. Whether you are confident or not…this highly calm, collective and intelligent expert in dating can make you realise the answers to your relationship troubles. Consider him the best friend, confidante or muse in your life.

Thank you Mr Cassell!

– Asma H

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