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Dating is a serious thing that most men assume they know how to do. You may think that you know what you’re doing out there, but chances are, you may not. In fact, if you aren’t married and in an amazing relationship, then you’re not doing so hot. If you want to ensure that your love life rises to all new levels, you’ll need to look into a few tips for men that will get you a lot more attention, and perhaps into the relationship that you’ve always dreamed about. The following tips are on par with what Johnny Cassell, the dating coach of London may give you, only a bit simplified in case you’re a novice.

Be Yourself, Just Not The Old Self

Here’s the first big thing that you need to know, and it’s simple, be yourself. However, don’t be your true self to the point that you’re not caring. Chances are your “true self” as it stands now, isn’t getting a lot of attention. If it were, you wouldn’t be looking for serious dating tips. You need to really focus on what you are, who you are, and where you want to go. But dress it up to your best self-possible. That means clean clothing, clean shaven (or at least well groomed). Then on your date, be honest with what you like, what you think, and where you want to go in your life. Don’t lie about it, but don’t throw it at someone as a concrete element that will not change, be flexible, but don’t hide who you are either.

Be A True Gentleman

The biggest thing that you need to focus on while on a date is simple, be a gentleman. That means that you need to open doors, you need to be kind, you need to imagine what you would want someone to do if they were taking your daughter, sister, or even mother out. You need to be absolutely taken care of, so that you can take care of your date. That means language, behaviour, and everything else. Your manners have to be appropriate, and allow your date to be focused on her, not you. Don’t be selfish. Dates are more than likely about her, and whether or not you fit her model of what masculinity and gentleman behaviour is. Amidst this idea, don’t pressure her to have sex, don’t push the envelope, but don’t be so aloof that you don’t see her signals when she is giving you the go ahead to kiss her, hold her hand, and even go upstairs for a cup of tea.

Don’t Spare Her Feelings If You Aren’t Interested

The classic, “I’ll call you”, or “Let’s do it again sometime”, are not going to help anyone. If you don’t like her, if you don’t really care to see her again, don’t hide behind empty compliments or words. Don’t promise her anything. If you don’t feel any romantic feelings, just be honest. Wish her well, wish her luck, and be nice about it. Maybe she didn’t feel anything either, and you’re going to help her let you off the proverbial hook too. Look, dating is not about just one person, it’s about two people. If there’s a connection great, but if there’s not, then be up front about it. Don’t be crass. Don’t be negative, just be honest. If you’re honest, then this becomes very easy to work with.

Ask Her Out, The Consequences Don’t Matter

You’re a grown man. Shake off the anxiety and nervousness of a teenager. You’re an adult, and the women you are going to want to ask out are adults. That means that you need to walk up, and just ask them out. If someone catches your eye, talk to them, introduce yourself and see if they are single. If so, ask for a date. If not, then wish them well. If you’re going online and reading dating profiles, then use the things that you read within the pages and ask them out. Take them off the site, and go into asking them out. Don’t go with endless messages, endless emails, and chats. You want to meet in person. Oh and don’t mention anything that is physical, or how hot they are. Nothing. No smiles, no bodies, nothing. Every other idiot online is going to complement their looks, and while that’s flattering, you want to stand out. Get them off the site, go on a date in person, simple as that.

Listen Up and Pay Attention

No matter how boring a woman is, you need to listen and pay attention to what she has to offer. If she’s shy and isn’t opening up, ask open ended questions about her. Let her talk about herself, her likes, dislikes. Don’t interject, don’t try to make it about you. There will be time for that, and you can speak on a number of topics, but ask questions. Be inquisitive, and let things go naturally into conversation. If you listen closely, and ask follow up questions, you are going to go far. Most women will be able to talk about themselves, their desires and more with relative ease. You have to listen, pay attention, and be there, even if it’s boring to you.

At the end of the day, the above tips are a starting point that you need to figure out. There’s a lot more to dating than these things. However, you need to start working towards resolving your issues overall. Take an assessment of what you want out of your life, what you are trying to get out of dating, and where you have gone wrong in the past. The more you pay attention to your quirks, the better off you’ll be. You need to change yourself up a bit, and make yourself more attractive. You need to work on your body, mind, and spirit. If you can do that, you’ll attract more women, end up going on more dates, and even having more sex if you’d like. Working on yourself is a sexy quality, don’t dismiss it.

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He knows his psychology stuff, he’s systematic, well articulated, explains concepts from different angles, and will accompany you on your journey – with his coaching, I got my perfect 10 model / dream girl. Can’t thank him enough! And it’s a skill that stays with you for the rest of your life..

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Johnny really is the real deal, his coaching literally changed my way of thinking and in essence my whole life, am now meeting more beautiful and fun women than i ever thought possible,An absolute legend.

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His expertise and skills are fantastic and the way he customised his education to my needs and desires made sure that the skills were transferable. A few weeks later those skills helped me with meeting my

– Gavriel M

Johnny is the best dating coach in the world, I have been with many mentors and he by far is the best!
I struggled to talk to people in the street, Johnny demonstrated and I followed.
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And we are spending the year travelling to South East Asia.
I would have never been able to attract such a girl without Johnny helping me.
The investment is soooo worth it!


– Oli N

Johnny Cassell was pivotal in my decision to travel 5000 miles to establish a relationship I had completely misunderstood. His advice provided unfounded insight that I allowed my ego to overlook. Whether you are confident or not…this highly calm, collective and intelligent expert in dating can make you realise the answers to your relationship troubles. Consider him the best friend, confidante or muse in your life.

Thank you Mr Cassell!

– Asma H

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