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Johnny Cassell - London's #1 Dating Coach!

Johnny Cassell is London’s Leading dating coach in London.

Students have flown in from as far as Australia, UAE and the USA to experience Johnny’s Live infield training.

Clients include, marketing directors, business owners, celebrities, psychology lecturers, playboys and company executives.

There is often a pattern I see with intelligent people that have been very successful in one area of their life, they often have to make the sacrifice of another area in order to achieve remarkable things… That’s where I come in.

Johnny works very closely with his student to get the best return on their time spent with them.

Topics Covered Include:

Social Anxiety issues

Breaking through complexes and limited beliefs

Building self esteem and confidence

Creating an attractive lifestyle

Self image and identity

Conversations that make impact

Understanding the laws of attraction and implementing them

Vocal training and tonality

Body language mastery

Understanding of a mans purpose

Self awareness of your goals and wants

For the training page click here
You might be in a position where you feel like you are in a rut, you feel isolated and your vision is unclear. You might be in a position where you have just come out of a long term relationship and you haven’t talked or took it further with women for a long time.
You might be a virgin and feel its time to meet someone special but don’t have the confidence to make that step.
You might have a warped perception of yourself and of what other people think of you, you might just be so stuck in your head that you constantly feel crippled with the thought about meeting women.

You might come from a very sheltered up brining or strict cultural /religious background that has held you back for so many years.

You might be in a position where all your friends don’t share the same outlook as you and are actually preventing you from moving forward in this area of your life.
You may feel you just simply want better quality women in your life or perhaps that playboy lifestyle of abundance.

Or… you might just need that extra bit of help finding the one. This is where a dating coach can be of great help to many people

I’m Johnny Cassell and I am London’s elite dating coach for men

Take action today and get in touch here to find out how we can work together to enhance your life now.


What is the point in hot date after hot date if they all end up the same way? Life can become increasingly more and more frustrating when your hot dates continuously turn into cold dates, which eventually turn into non-entities, aka failures!

This can have a dramatic effect on your confidence and make you think more and more about your own insecurities.

For a growing number of people, the thought of turning to a dating coach seems somewhat alien. However the good news is that turning to a coach to try and attract the right partner in your life is proving to be a good move for many people who pluck up courage to adopt this unusual approach!

What is the point in hot date after hot date if they all end up the same way? Life can become increasingly more and more frustrating when your hot dates continuously turn into cold dates, which eventually turn into non-entities, aka failures!

This can have a dramatic effect on your confidence and make you think more and more about your own insecurities.

For a growing number of people, the thought of turning to a dating coach seems somewhat alien. However the good news is that turning to a coach to try and attract the right partner in your life is proving to be a good move for many people who pluck up courage to adopt this unusual approach!

The facts are that some people feel they cannot function in life without a suitable “soul-mate”, a life long partner and they devote their whole being to try and find that one person they can become close to. That one person with whom they can approach with some of their deepest, most intimate thought’s and concerns.

This is where a dating coach could actually help.

A qualified coach will have an uncanny knack of being able to match you up with a suitable partner, and more importantly show you how to improve your dating techniques! They will be able to work equally well with both men and women to help them improve their dates.

Finding good coaching is often done online these days. People who have a dateless calendar or who are having difficulty meeting the right people can nowadays browse qualified coaches online and at a glance review their testimonials to see how other clients have gotten on using the service.

If you are considering using a coach then seek out one who can quickly get to know your strengths and weaknesses and how to constructively work with these to improve your date chances.

Be sure to seek out places like Twitter or Facebook as these will often have reference somewhere to the coach, especially if they are good!

One thing to bear in mind though is that at the end of the day a professional dating coach is there to run their own business and will be looking to offer products and services. Some may offer ebooks or video courses or even dating seminars, while others may well offer you one-to-one help “in the field” where they watch from a distance and advise on things such as flirting techniques, dressing for a date and help with the art of conversation and even chat up lines.

So find one that you feel has your best interests at heart. One who is available via email and on the phone when you need them, and one which you can feel at ease with as this will go a long way to help you achieve better results.

When you find the right coach to help with dating, things will happen quickly and your love life will start to pick up. More often than not it is a few small changes that start to bring big results quickly. So if you’re still on the lookout for that “Mr or Mrs Right”, then maybe you should consider using a coach and see just how fast your love life can pick up.

Start your journey today enquire HERE

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