Johnny Cassell In Man London Magazine
Discover Johnny Cassell’s story and what it’s really like to be one of the top dating coaches in London. (Read the full article by clicking on the logo)
Discover Johnny Cassell’s story and what it’s really like to be one of the top dating coaches in London. (Read the full article by clicking on the logo)
What I’ve seen in a lot of cases is that many young women are looking for older men. A lot of older guys think they could be too old for a young woman. I say… Young Women That Want Older Men
How to meet girls in the Park Spring has arrived and we are feeling more an more inspired by this beautiful weather as we leave the office on our lunch breaks or go for a… How To Meet Women In The Park
What Are Women Looking For In A Man? In this ever evolving world, we live in a time where men are becoming confused. They are confused with their gender role, how they should act, approach,… What Are Women Looking For In A Man?
So I have been having a lot of fun with my students on The 7 Day Programme recently, one of the big things I want my students to achieve is to have the confidence to approach… How To Approach Women in Coffee Shops
How To Be Happy Lately a big topic for me has been ‘happiness’ don’t get me wrong I am one happy individual. I love how I spend my time and who I spend my time… How To Be Happy – The Real Every Day Struggle That Exists
Getting Back With An Ex Right now there are a lot of broken hearted men sulking about the loss of their girlfriend. You may be one of them, pining over a lost love. They may… How To Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend
On my live event I show just how important it actually is to keep socially active in London and any big City in the World. Times have changed and it’s becoming harder to meet… Keys To Building A Social Circle And Meeting People In London