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Why Women Are NOT Bitches

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Why Women Are NOT BitchesThis is what I heard last night after a guy I saw tried to approach a group of girls. It’s funny because you all reading this have had a somewhat similar experience somewhere in your life when it comes to women. I know I have. Here’s the post guys.


Why Woman Are NOT Bitches

  • Guy 1- How’d it go mate?
  • Guy 2- Nah mate she’s a right bitch

All girls are not bitches, they’re testing you! When you’ve made your approach guys, girls test how strong our reality is to decide and categorize what sort of guy you are. They may hit you in a conversation with something like:

  • Are you gay?
  • Why you wearing your sunglasses inside ? / Outside its dark?
  • I’ve got a boyfriend.
  • Where are your friends?
  • You’re ugly?
  • Why are you speaking to me?
  • You have an ex girlfriend?
  • Why aren’t you drinking?
  • What do you want?
  • Is this some sort of questionnaire?
  • How do you know my name?

Now these are simply a woman’s tactics to see if your reality is stronger than theirs, if you respond in a way that portrays to them you are low value then you just got put on the pile with all the other dudes that tried. Now there’s two ways you can go about this.

  • you ignore what she said and continue your thread of conversation.
  • you hit them back with something witty.

Both show to her that you are capable of being challenged and don’t let anything harm your reality. Women want a leader in life, a man who can guide them and protect their emotions. They don’t want the wussy guy that steps down to what life throws in their way. Imagine being gifted with amazing good looks, these women get hit on everyday of their life. They’ve developed over the years an autopilot response system that simply filters out all the guys trying to hit on them. This is known as ‘testing’. Don’t be put off by these women, it is just a mask!

Things to do –

If your going out tonight concentrate on your approaches, look out for these tests, go home and write down three responses you could use e.g

Why are you wearing your sunglasses at night ?

  • I’m a hypnotist an I’ve got really suggestive eyes
  • I’m hiding from the paparazzi
  • Got the idea from Skepta ‘I where my sunglasses at night’ (sing)

More interesting stuff on how to take off the mask coming soon !

If you want to start increasing your current level of success with want to know how you can get women into bed, then remember to send Johnny an email directly: [email protected] and get started with one on one dating and social mastery training.
Where you can work with Johnny Cassell (featured in the Ham and High) and take your dating game to the next level.

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