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The 39 Best Chat Up Lines To Use On Girls (Apparently)

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Johnny Cassell Covers Only The Best Things To Say

So if you are on Johnny’s email list you will know that this week he’s been running a little contest!

He put out the message on his Facebook channels, ‘What is your best chat up line?’

Now we’ve been having some great one’s we’ve cringed, winced and seriously laughed out loud.

Chat up lines are always a tricky one. When to use them, how to use them and ‘If’ to even use chat up lines at all. These are probably the same questions that brought you to this page in the first place. Chatting women up can be a very delicate but at the same time an often over thought process. If done wrong It can completely blow any chance of getting a girlfriend or at least starting something new with a lady that is of your choice. We’ve gone through our best chat up lines and our friends and followers on social media have all chipped in to bring a list of the best lines to use when out anywhere. Filtering out only the best chat up lines, the following list will give you much to work with when bringing you’re A game to the town.

In aid of the contest we’ve done some research and dug up 39 chat up lines for you to play about with, but first take a look at some of these from our audience:

Chat up lines Johnny Cassell
chat up lines contest Johnny Cassell
Chat up lines Johnny Cassell
Chat up lines Johnny Cassell
Chat up line Johnny Cassell
Chat up lines Johnny Cassell
Johnny Cassell Chat up lines
Chat up lines Johnny Cassell
Johnny Cassell Chat up lines

The age old problem is one that millions of people are going to have to deal with, how do you get a girl to chat? Seriously. You see a hot girl and you go up to her, and within a few seconds she decides whether or not she’s going to talk to you or whether or not she’s going to sleep with you. If you’re one of the millions of men that are getting turned down, it’s time to change things up. The following are supposedly the best chat up lines to use on girls. These are going to pay off dividends if you use them right. Trust the words, and just keep trying, you’ll gain serious momentum.

To make sure that these work, you have to have a sense of confidence and playfulness. This is going to break the ice, and get you talking. Don’t stumble, practice them, get them locked into your head so that you are able to recite them with ease. Done right, they work. Done without confidence, you will not end up getting any positive reaction.

Top Chat Up Lines To Use On Girls Today


Hello, I’m doing a survey, can I have your name? Your phone number? Are you free tomorrow? How about the next day?

Hey, sorry to bug you, but my phone doesn’t seem to be working, can you call me real quick to see if it rings?

I’m clairvoyant. No, really. I see, that you’re not wearing underwear! That’s about an hour in the future.

I’m new around here, can I get directions? To your house?

I think there’s something wrong with my phone, your phone number’s not in it.

You look like you’ve heard all the lines in the book, well, add that to the list.

Do you know what the difference is between sex and conversation? Well, let’s go talk for a minute.

I think I can see the future. I see, myself in your pants within a few hours.

I’ll bet you $20 that you’re going to turn me down.

See my friend over there? He wants to know what you think of me.

I bet I can kiss you without touching you. (proceed to kiss them, and say you lost)

I thought I’d come over and say hello, before I started to stare.

I’m a rock singer, what’s up?

I’m usually way better looking than this.

Wow, you remind me of my first wife, it’s uncanny. (You were married before?) Oh, no, I’m a bachelor.

What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?

Can you spell extemporaneous backwards? Good, neither can I, I just wanted to ask you.

Hey, do you speak English? Yes! I do too.

Now, these are just some of the quick options that you can pull through. These are going to get you to break the ice. Breaking the ice is the most important thing that you can do, so that you’re able to get moving forward with asking them out, and possibly even getting them to date you, etc.

Don’t fret, there are a lot more to come below, so that you can truly get yourself into the mix, no matter what woman you see, you’ll get something to say to break the ice.

More of The Best Chat up Lines

I’m not a professional photographer, but I can definitely picture you and me together.

Are you an interior designer? Because when you came in, the room became enlightened.

Do you believe in God? Because you’re the answer to my prayers.

Do you have a first aid kit? I just scraped my knee, falling for you.

Touch this shirt, seriously, feel that? It’s boyfriend material.

I may need a map; I’m getting lost in your eyes.

I wasn’t feeling so great today, but you definitely made me feel better.

I’m sorry, we haven’t met before, I know I wouldn’t forget such a beautiful face.

Sorry, I need you to buy me another drink. Because I just dropped mine, when I saw you.

Don’t frown, you must have a smile worth falling in love with.

I think I need to follow you home. I was told to follow my dreams.

I think we’ve met before, possibly in school, because we have chemistry together.

Your dad was a boxer, right? Because you’re a knockout!

Once again, you’re seeing a lot of one liners, but you know what? That’s all it takes to get a beautiful girl to pay attention to you. You have to once again, say these things or tell them with confidence. Don’t laugh, smirk, or feel nervous. You have to practice these things. Test things out. There’s a lot more, however, here’s some things you can say and keep getting a forward push.

Another Good Set of Chat Up Lines To Use Today

I’m throwing out my dictionary, because I can’t find a word to describe how good you look.

I wish I was a cat. Because then I could spend 9 lives with you.

Wait, are you a twin? No? Then you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.

I think you may be lost. You’re very far away from heaven.

They may ask you to leave, you’re making all the other women jealous.

Do you have a moment? A moment to write down my number?

Touch me please, quick. I want to tell people I’ve been touched by an Angel.

As you can see, there are a ton of things that you can say to break the ice. You don’t have to complicate things, and you don’t have to be afraid to talk to women. You can easily say these things, and chat them up fast. The thing that makes these things work is simple, confidence. If you can walk up to a girl and say these things with all seriousness, you’re going to get to another sentence. Always talk to them without nerves. The more nerves you show, the weirder you’re going to come across. Practice makes perfect, so take these and practice them in a mirror, to your pet, to yourself, and keep pushing. You’ll get any woman to chat with you fast, that’s for sure.

If you would like to learn how to successfully meet women in the daytime or the evening, then head on over to the training page and take a look at some of the course that Johnny offers HERE

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