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ScarcityOk so we have been in someway or another in a situation where you have thought about a girl too much. Instantly we know this feeling, the feeling of want, the feeling is down to Scarcity. When scarcity is turned on us an attraction switch is triggered that makes us want. It’s because of the unavailability and limitations to when we can have/see something, making it seem more attractive. If we do not have an understanding of this feeling then we are unable to control it. What’s more is, if we have an understanding of this feeling, we can apply it in our own lives making ourselves and our lifestyles more attractive to others.

Here taken out of the book ‘Influence’ by Robert B. Cladini, I have found an extract that I believe is most useful  –

Whenever we confront the scarcity pressures surrounding some item, we must confront the question of what it is we want from the item. If the answer is that we want the thing for the social, economic, or psychological benefits of possessing something rare, then fine; scarcity pressures will give us a good indication of how much we would want to pay for it. The less available it is , the more valuable to us it will be but very often we don’t want a thing purely for the sake of owning it, we want it instead for its utility value; we want to eat it or drink it or touch it or hear it or drive it or otherwise use it. In such cases it is vital to remember that scarce things do not taste or feel or sound or hide or work any better because of their limited availability.

See you soon

If you want to start increasing your current level of success with women and start to build your confidence and self-esteem, then remember to send Johnny an email directly: [email protected] and get started with one on one dating and social mastery training.

Where you can work with dating and confidence coach Johnny Cassell and take your game to the next level.

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