Full Transcript
Have you ever found yourself vibing with someone at a party, only to hit that awkward moment where you think, damn, how am I going to get them back to mine? Well, in this video, I’m going to share with you exactly how you can do just that. You’re going to learn how to set the tone right at the start of the night. You’re going to learn how to prime your interactions so you’re not competing over noisy environments.
You can learn how to keep the vibe going so it doesn’t fizzle out. And you’re going to learn all the different important stages of the night. This isn’t by chance, guys.
This is strategy. What’s always a good tactic is if you found a club that opens and maybe sort of like, you know, they often open about 11, don’t they? There’s often a nice bar opposite that club where people will go for pre-drinks. You know, what that allows you to do is pre-open a few sets before you go into the more noisy environment.
So you basically queued up your sets before you’ve gone in. You can open them up non-verbally, raise the glass, give it a wave. It’s quite a smart move.
It’s something that I used to do a lot when I lived in Redden. There used to be this place called the Monk’s Retreat. And, you know, it was a Witherspoons.
Actually, it wasn’t anything fancy. But everyone would go there before they went to the big commercial club around the corner. And it worked a dream, you know, because when you’re getting confident of this, there’s different stages of the night.
I haven’t really spoke about this for a while, actually. But like, you’re going up. It’s more like a drinking culture thing, right? If you go like eight, nine o’clock, people just getting out.
You know, you’re not closing at eight, nine o’clock, you know, you’re you’re priming a few little interactions just to get the ball rolling. Ten, eleven, people start to drink, you know, so you can maybe you can amp up the sexualization of your interactions. I’m going to be received a bit more warmly.
And at eleven, twelve, yeah, people were dancing, getting a bit more loose. Twelve, one. It’s like, where are we going after this? What’s next? So you’ve got to have a plan for that.
The afters, right? And the easiest plan is the afters. Is it yours? And that becomes your closing language. Are you coming to the after party? And that sounds exciting, right? Oh, no.
Where’s the after party? Oh, no, we usually have a we usually have a few people back at mine. Right. Yeah, I’d invite a group of people.
I’d want to bring the whole party back to mine. You know, I mean, within reason, you’ve got to select the people. You can’t have some dodgy folk in there.
I’m going to post some pictures in here to show you to what extent I’m talking about. Right. Because when you start throwing parties or hosting things at your house, it has a knock on effect.
People start talking about it. Right. And then when you’re out again with a certain group of people, because you’ll make friends with these people if you’re doing if you’re acting like this.
And then it comes to the point like, oh, are we are you going to back to Johnny’s? Oh, my God, you’ve got to come back to John. It goes crazy every time we go back there. Oh, wow.
OK, cool. So then you get access to extended circles, extended circles all the time. Does it make sense? And you’ve got to obviously work on your place.
I mean, you’ve got to you’ve got to get out a little bit. Right. But I mean, even if you just have the basics, like decent sound system and, you know, a stocked up drinks cabinet.
You’re good. If you want to. Well, where were we? I think everything’s like 20.
I’ve bought people back here from Camden. So I’m in Battersea. OK, so.
Yeah. Yeah, it’s like 40 minutes or so. Right.
And and and also like King’s Cross, you know, we’re partying in King’s Cross and we’re like three or four cabs turn up at mine. Like, you’ve got to control that. You’ve got to control the logistics.
I mean. Those places, I mean, if people really want us to keep the party going, they don’t care about jumping in a cab till like half an hour, you know, and the way that you keep the vibe going is you take control of that that media center in the Uber. You know, you get your Bluetooth, you get your music on and you keep that vibe going because it could just go flat.
You get them in a car and then you just listen. You know, you’re just talking to each other. It’s the first thing I do when I’m taking a girl home or taking a few people back to mine is I’m I’m putting my music on in that car and we’re just keeping that vibe going like it hasn’t even stopped.
And remember what I said to you guys before, as I’m approaching my door, I’m throwing the music onto the sound system before the doors even opened. So as you open the door, the music’s just going like that. The vibe hasn’t stopped.
Right. So these are things you can do. It’s a lot of fun.
There you have it, guys. So now you know how to move through each stage smoothly and with sophistication. Now, look, if you want to jump on more strategy calls like this, why don’t you head over to my brand new school community? The link is in the description below.
Or if you want some more in-person work, right, you actually want to do some in-field work, you can do the seven day experience here in London with myself and my team. We don’t do
many of these a year, OK, because they do take a lot out of us. So they’re on application only.
The description will also include that link. OK, guys, thank you for watching and I’ll see you on the next video.