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How To Get A Girlfriend – The Bigger Picture

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How To Get A Girlfriend – The Bigger Picture

Tips on Getting A Girlfriend

First of all, I want you to realise this article is about how you can keep the girl for the long run.

It’s time to stop coasting around and maybe take a break from being part of the ‘cool crowd’.

Your priorities and things of importance need to change, you need to work on making yourself the investment. Not ‘boyfriend material’ but ‘husband material’. The man she wants to live with rather than just the boy she wants to sleep with.

Think of what paternal qualities you have to have. What is going to make a woman feel secure, what do you bring to the table. It’s alright saying “I want the 10” but take a long hard look in the mirror and ask your self ‘Am I A 10?’.

Am I maxed out?, am I established?. Am I in a position where I can add to someone as opposed to just being a taker?

Take a piece of paper and grab a pen, write down all the areas in your LIFE that you think you can
improve. Then go through that list like a check list.

The campaign has changed, you are no longer the guy that just goes out and meets a woman for a one night extravaganza. You’re the new Mr BIG.

Am I putting pressure on you? Absolutely

Why? Because pressure gets things done.

Here’s 6 tips you will get from watching this video:

1.  10 Times everything you are doing in your business

Think ahead and long down the road, most people live a life of affordability. What is it going to be that you will have to be able to afford in 5-10 years time? On the income you have now is it going to be enough to support yourself, your partner and your children?

Then drill down deeper, what does that image look like, what sort of school do your children go to? What sort of area and house do you live in? How many holidays are you going to take a year? What sort of restaurants do you like going to and how frequently are you going to them?

It’s ok to live life of affordability we just have to think about what is it we need to be able to afford so  we can strategise what it is we need to get to work on now to be able to afford it.

2.  Get out of the ‘bubble’

One major thing that holds people back from growing is the ‘small town mentality’. If you are living at home and not having to worry too much about your day to day expenses and mum and daddy are taking care of everything it’s time to think about the bigger picture. Not only does moving out and getting out of the town you grew up in raise your self esteem and confidence but it also helps you establish a whole new set of life skills. You will also learn how to be more independent.

3.  Use social pressure to help you grow

That leads me on to my next point, By getting out of the small town your next move is to feel uncomfortable. Put yourself in the city, feel insecure and inferior for a while by being around people that walk, talk and dress more confident than you. Feel like the worst dressed person in the room, feel like the dumbest person in the room. Get used to feeling uncomfortable so you can tighten up all areas in your life and grow.

4.  Take on the roll as a gentleman with your Girlfriend

Once’e you’ve got the lady it’s time to keep treating her like a lady, After a lovely romantic dinner don’t kill the mood by agreeing to her token gesture of “I’ll pay half” thats the behaviour of a boy not a gentleman. Remember if you are on a date or she is your girlfriend it’s your role to take care of her. She is not a champagne fly loitering around at the bar. She is your lady and she wants to feel like one.The subtle subtleties of a gentlemen never go overlooked.

5.  Be more emotionally available with yourself and your loved ones

There is nothing weak about saying you love your girlfriend or telling her everyday how beautiful she is. This is where men get confused. We have been taught not to show emotion as it is a sign of weakness and somehow someone will take advantage of us. In business I get that but at home it’s a bit different. Yes she wants to see that you can hold yourself together when things get difficult, she also wants you to balance out her irrational thinking with your logical mind when she goes into one. This is particularly more of an issue with my fellow Brits than our friends in Europe and the rest of the world.

Find a Girlfriend with the help of Dating Coach Johnny Cassell

At the end of the day, I can teach you all the fancy lines, and what to say and do. I can even offer you lifestyle tips and guidance. But I’m not the captain of the ship, I don’t steer it, I’m just the navigator.

Make the first step with getting a girlfriend and getting success with women today and join myself and the team on our next workshop HERE

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