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Best Places To Meet Women – Part 3

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Best places to meet women
This Blog post has been inspired by my recent trip to Paris where we took our students to the Louvre.

Now taking my students to museums is nothing new. In fact I think Museums and art galleries are fantastic places to meet women, but how do you get started?

Here’s a few little fun chat up openers my students were using this weekend at the Paris Workshop.  It’s really fun when you get it right.

“Excuse me maam there’s no pictures allowed in here…”

“Excuse me was that obsessive starring… we have a no obsessive starring policy in here”

“Excuse me there’s no texting allowed in here.”

“Excuse me this is a no smile area”

The trick is to come across as an act of authority like a security guard and then completely put them at ease by smiling and transitioning into conversation.

If you are at the V&A museum in London a funny one would be:

“Excuse me do you know where the dinosaurs are?”


“Excuse me do you know where the big blue whale is?”

Obviously the dinosaurs and whale are next door in the national history museum with all the screaming children. Somewhere you don’t really want to be.

 Tip: Humour yourself and invite others into it

Once you have broke the ice then you might want to check out my other posts in regards to conversational structure.

Museums are also great for transitioning into instant dates. Every museum has a cafe or a restaurant. If it is going well simply suggest you should both go for a coffee or maybe a bottle of wine!

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