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Surface Statement Hooks

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Surface Statement Hooks

This is something I call ‘Surface statement hooks’

Nothing complicated here, something you can literally take and customise for your self with your very own hooks.

In the empty spaces simply use the hooks provided.

I can’t work it out…

Are you this _________


Are you this _______

Hooks: movies, music, the arts, celebrities, exclusivity, travelling. etc

Here is an example:

I can’t work it out…

Are you the type of girl that is a sucker for horror movies


Are you the type that is a sucker for real soppy romance movies

Which one…

This is a really powerful way of quickly building a connection with someone. Can even be used to simply open the conversation from cold.

Have fun using it to build connections with people.


If you want to start increasing your current level of success with women, then remember to send Johnny an email directly: [email protected] and get started with one on one pick up master class training.
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