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How To Approach Women in Coffee Shops

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how to approach women in coffee shops

So I have been having a lot of fun with my students on The 7 Day Programme recently, one of the big things I want my students to achieve is to have the confidence to approach women in pretty much any environment once they’ve left the course.

Now I’ve been doing this for a decade now so it’s pretty much second nature for me to approach someone who I think is interesting, to an extent that I don’t really think too much about it whilst I’m doing it. And this is exactly where I want my students to be when it comes to approaching someone they like the look of, I don’t want them to be struggling to find that rehearsed line or gambit in the critical moment. I want them to just be able to ‘do’. I want them to be able to just ‘do’ because it is a habit that has formulated through repetition. I want them to be ‘triggered’ by certain things that they find attractive.

I like a career minded woman, it’s not for everyone but for those that do here’s something that I want you to tap into…

Now over the years we have seen quite a shift of how people work, less and less people work in offices and more people have the option of working remotely.

Johnny Cassell - How to meet women in coffee shopsThese coffee shop landscapes have transformed into entrepreneurial hubs for laptopafarians and wanna be laptop millionaires. You’d of most probably seen it, on your lunch break walking past the big open window with half a dozen illuminated apples lighting up the dimly lit cool urban esq space.

Here’s the thing, you do actually meet interesting people and if you are looking for someone that is quite entrepreneurial then these places are perfect for your positioning.

Johnny Cassell coffee shop openers
Photo credit: Instagram @alisinworldland

Here’s three openers you can use:

  1. “Do you mind watching my laptop?”

I was single at the time and I was just responding to a few emails when I saw this tall blonde model in the corner of my eye. Seated upright reading a book. At the time it was everything I was into so I thought how am I going to open her? hmmm got it. And at that moment I leant over and simply asked “do you mind watching my laptop for a moment?” I went up to grab a coffee, came back down and there she was. She actually moved over to my table and sat directly opposite me! Now there is much more to this story and the long and short of it is that this actually converted into a date.

The point is, it is a great ice breaker because it’s ‘subtle’

Remember every woman wants to be hit on they just want it to be done right.

2.  “Do you have a spare charger?”

This one I came up with when I was with a student on the 7 day programme and I wanted to demonstrate how easy it was to approach people in different environments. We spotted an attractive girl seated on her own with two spare seats around her table. She had a macbook so I simply went over and asked her if she had a charger. Of course she has a charger! So she kindly offered hers and we joined the table.

Again this interaction grew into quite a solid interaction. I also want you to think about these sort of places and think about what sort of people are with in them. These type of people are genuinely very open to meeting new people and networking is part of their entrepreneurial DNA.

3. “Are you on Facebook?”

See a girl on her laptop? Go in with “Excuse me are you on Facebook? Do you mind if I can just update my status?” Then you can develop it with “Ok, I’m adding you how do you spell your name?”

So there you have it, more ammunition for you to go out there and try out.

Let me know how you get on or if you have any questions

Warm regards


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