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Best Places To Meet Women – Part 1

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Best Places to Meet Women

Fed up with meeting women in the same generic places that don’t seem to have the same interests as you ? or perhaps you are wondering what other types of girls are out there other than the ones you currently already have in your life.

The great thing about enhancing this area of your life is how it can open doors for you where ever you are or go. With that thought lets look at some cool places you could meet women.

Recently I advised for students to check out Prestigious sporting events such as:
Royal Ascot Races

Henley Royal Regatta

Cartier Polo



These events and similar are particularly good for meeting girls as it attracts an abundance of them.


Note: It is better to pay a little more for your ticket for these places so you are amongst the better quality as opposed to going for the cheaper option where you are likely to be amongst the lager louts.

Keep an eye out for more places and ideas that I am going to share with you in the next couple of posts to expand your awareness and help you come up with your own thoughts of where you can meet women.

Relationship Coach Johnny is available for private 1:1 training contact him here for further inquiries: [email protected]

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