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Explore one to one coaching options with Johnny Cassell.


The Course that became a buzz word in the Industry. Work with Johnny and the team in this 12hr Intensive Workshop.

7 Day Programme

Experience complete Immersion with Johnny and the team for 7 days and 7 nights back to back.

Mentorship Programme

Often described as like getting a ‘Masters’ in dating & seduction. Choose from 6 or 12 months. Only for those that are willing to jump ‘both feet in’.


Johnny is also available for Skype sessions, which are personal and customisable one-on-one talks, for advice on a wide range of topics of your choosing. Quick, easy and accessible, Skype sessions are for those who want immediate assistance.

All packages can be discussed to fit your needs and lifestyle. Contact here


Find Success After Coaching with Johnny!

Millions of men out there walk through their daily life and don’t get the woman of their dreams. They see women pass them by, and they even know some that are “friendly”, but nothing more develops. In some instances, men assume that they have no hope getting that hot girl at the bar, or even at work. That’s unfortunately going to be the scenario many people end up with, unless they find a way to learn how to be more confident. That’s where Johnny Cassell comes into play. He’s a dating coach, and expert that has been getting a lot of media coverage in regards to how to get past the initial hello, and into a lot more dates with hot women. There are several ways to get to this point, and it starts with dating coaching.

Dating Training – Not Your Average Experience

When you think about dating, you are going to find that there are dating seminars about this very topic. However, they don’t usually give you the best advice. In fact, many of them just go through some simple elements and charge you a ton of money. That’s not what happens when you seek out professional dating training. In these intensive options, you will get guided through the ins and outs of dating hot women. Not only that, it’s done with the absolute beginner in mind. Getting personalised instruction is just the beginning, as you’ll get a rundown of information that takes you from opening lines, to how to get more action in the bedroom. These aren’t just about “dating”, they are about getting more numbers, more dates, and more action through proven patterns and associations.

The Johnny Cassell Difference

People are no doubt going to be skeptical, and that’s ok. Many have gone through dating seminars in the past and didn’t really get much in terms of results. That’s because they are using archaic methods that don’t work. There are a lot of “self-help” books that you can read, and even go through the old options at the library and see a lot of solutions. But what you are not going to get from them, is modern thought. The right methods for today’s women will change how you view dating, and will absolutely give you a fighting chance. Johnny Cassell’s methods aren’t meant for the past, they are meant for the modern man, and the future. There’s attention paid to very subtle elements, speech patterns, and vocabulary. You will see it through videos, and through dating workshops that give you the tools necessary to walk into the world with confidence. This is the big difference that you will see right away.

Should I go for the workshop? Does It Work?

People think that becoming a dating coach is something that you’re born into. That’s not the case. Johnny Cassell goes through great lengths to show that anyone can pick up beautiful women, and some even off the street. If you check out Cassell’s live videos in the streets of London Just walking in the park, and saying hello can break open the doors of dating. Regardless of what you look like, how much money you have, or what you’re wearing, there are things that you can say and do to delight women from the first moment you speak to them. If your goal is to get past the lacklustre dating scene you’ve been trapped in, then you have to give a dating workshop a chance.

Look, what you’re doing now isn’t working. If it was, then you wouldn’t be looking for dating coaches, or expert advice. If you want to change that, then you can do so by simply learning the right steps to getting more action. The foundation has already been introduced, it’s just up to you to put it into action. If you want to get with women, you need to know the insider tips and tricks that Cassell has taught throughout the UK , simple as that.


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